Integreat gewinnt den EYA2017 in der Kategorie „Connecting Cultures“

Die Integreat-App für Geflüchtete hat sich beim European Youth Award als Gewinner in der Kategorie Connecting Cultures gegen viele Mitbewerber aus ganz Europa durchgesetzt. Unser Team bekommt nun die Chance sich im Rahmen des EYA Festivals in Graz mit den anderen Gewinnern auszutauschen und Integreat in Europa bekannt zu machen. Wie freuen uns sehr über das positive Feedback der EYA-Jury:
“It is hard to believe that in this digital era, abundant with content and most topics just a click away, it can be very difficult, nearly impossible to obtain basic information on things like using public transport, choosing mobile network operator, registering with a doctor or learning a local language. Anyone who lived aboard, though, probably wished there was one central place for all such information. A database on all the basic things that are paramount when moving to a foreign country, especially if this country is culturally distant from home. This issue is even greater for refugees, who in many cases, don’t even speak a local language.
Integreat is the solution for this problem. A database that reduces clutter, takes away official talk and presents only necessary and relevant information on basic yet essential things for starting a new life in a new place. Integreat’s focus is refugees, however it can be used by anyone moving to a new place. The solution is easily scalable across countries as content part can be filled by volunteers from any city, wishing to be welcoming to its new inhabitants. On top of that, all information is presented in multiple languages so a person in need of such information can choose his or her own language.
Information on 19 is already on the app which has more than 5000 downloads. We’d love to see the content presentation evolving over time and become a bit more interactive, nevertheless, Integreat is a simple, yet very necessary solution.”
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