From a Print Brochure to an Information App

In addition to personal consultation, which in our opinion should and must always be a central component of the integration process, local authorities have always promoted the dissemination of local information and offers, above all through the writing and elaborate printing and distribution of printed materials. Once the printed materials had been printed, it would take a great deal of time and effort to update the content. Corresponding information material was most often only available in German, as translations were not only expensive, but also too complex for many municipalities to produce.
Digital technologies are a suitable way of communicating information to newcomers, as multilingualism is easier and less expensive to implement and access is unrestricted locally. Thus, the respective technologies represent an easily updatable and easily accessible alternative to conventional print materials. This realisation motivated various established and new companies and organisations to develop appropriate solutions.
The special features of the Integreat App, in contrast to other digital information offers for newcomers, are the strong orientation towards local peculiarities and the cooperation with already established organisations and experts on site. The cooperation thus combines the technical expertise and innovative power of the digital factory with decades of knowledge about integration work from local authorities. At the same time Integreat makes it possible for the municipalities to use and create contents together on a supra-regional level and thus new synergies are created.