Integreat for Reception Facilities and Camp-Like Settings

When we launched Integreat, initial reception centres for asylum seekers were not yet our focus. Eight years ago, the stay in the initial reception centres lasted only days or a few weeks before the refugees arrived in the municipalities.
In Augsburg, the major challenge was to reach all refugees who were housed decentrally in the city. Social workers were on site in the larger accommodation centres. Integreat was therefore intended to be the first point of contact for those living in decentralised accommodation and to show them ways to get advice and support. Over the years, the asylum process has changed, meaning that refugees have had to stay in the initial reception centres for several months. These new conditions are the reason why initial reception centres also became our focus.
Why Integreat can be so important inreception centres and camp-like settings
Immediately after arriving in Germany, the language barrier between government agencies, support staff and asylum seekers is both particularly large and glaring. Processes need to be explained and the needs of those arriving need to be understood. This is almost impossible without an interpreter. However, personal dialogue is not always necessary to explain processes and offers of help. These can be made available easily and comprehensibly in the asylum seeker’s native language via Integreat. Users can search for the necessary information according to their current needs and make well-informed decisions. Integreat was used for the first time in two initial reception centres in Brandenburg in cooperation with the German Red Cross.
Integreat + Malteser Werke = “Malte”
The NGO Malteser Werke has been commissioned by several federal states to organise initial reception facilities for asylum seekers. Integreat is used here as a so-called “white label” solution. Based on the same technology, Integreat appears here in the Malteser Werke design and with the new name “Malte” in the app stores. In close cooperation with Malteser Werke, we can also help people during their asylum procedure and make it easier for them to arrive with clear and up-to-date information. Malte is already in use in over 35 centres across five federal states – and the trend is rising.