There are no uniform publication requirements for non-profit organisations in Germany. However, anyone working for the
However, anyone working for the common good should regard the issue of transparency as one of their top duties. Our
transparency goal is to disclose to the community exactly what goals the organisation is striving for, where the
funds come from, how they are used and who the decision-makers are.
We, Tür an Tür – Digitalfabrik gGmbH, gladly accept our responsibility towards the common good. For this reason, we voluntarily undertake to make the information listed below available to the public. The declaration is deliberately placed on our website so that it is easy to find. Upon request, we will of course also be happy to send it electronically.
Tür an Tür – Digitalfabrik gGmbH
Wertachstr. 29
86153 Augsburg
Sitz: Augsburg
Foundation year: 2016
The business purpose is
The object of the company shall be realised in particular through the following measures:
Here you can find our complete articles of association: Download articles of association Tür an Tür – Digitalfabrik gGmbH (391 KB, PDF)
Name of the granting tax office: Finanzamt Augsburg-Stadt
Tax number: 103/147/01750
Date of last issue: 09.02.2021
Here you can find our notice of exemption: Download corporation tax exemption notice (non-profit notice) (873 kB, PDF)
Equal managing directors of Tür an Tür – Digitalfabrik gGmbH are Clara Bracklo und Daniel Kehne.
The main shareholder of Tür an Tür – Digitalfabrik gGmbH is Tür an Tür – miteinander wohnen und leben e.V., which holds 70 % of the shares. The association is represented externally by the five-member board of directors. The remaining 30 % is held by individuals who were already involved in the Integreat project at the beginning. They all belong(ed) to the Chair of Business Informatics at the Technical University of Munich: Chair holder Prof. Dr Helmut Krcmar (14 % of the shares), Prof. Dr Manuel Wiesche (8%) now at Technical University of Dortmund and Maximilian Schreieck (8%)..
Tür an Tür – Digitalfabrik gGmbH has 27 employees as of May 2022. Of these, 25 positions are part-time, 2 positions via honorary contract. In addition, we have 5 SHK positions from the DAAD Welcome Program at the TU Munich and TU Dortmund. Honorary staff for PR, design and development are employed as needed. About 20 volunteers work on the Integreat app on a regular basis.
Information on all income can be found in the annual report on effectiveness under chapter 9.
Information on the use of all income can be found in the annual report on effectiveness under chapter 9.
Tür an Tür – miteinander wohnen und leben e.V. is the main shareholder of Tür an Tür – Digitalfabrik gGmbH with 70% of the shares.
Legal entity: MW Malteser Werke gemeinnützige GmbH, 11%, for: Development, operation and the personal support around the app Malte.