Blog & News

Winner at Techfugees Global Summit

23. January 2019

As one of the few German projects we were on stage at the Techfugees Global Summit 2018. We were the only German team to take home a prize: The 1st place in the category “Access to Rights & Information”. After several jury rounds, the winners of the Techfugees Global Challenge competition were announced at Station […]

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Open Source at Integreat

11. January 2019

Open Source is one of the basic principles of Integreat, which we are not only committed to, but all team members stand for. All software from the Integreat team is released under free open source licenses. These licenses give all users of the software the right to view, edit, and redistribute the program code. And […]

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Reinforcement for the team: Our new/old CTO

8. January 2019

At the beginning of the year, we again increased our personnel. Sven Seeberg-Elverfeldt, who already held the technical management of the Integreat project from January to December 2016, is returning to his old place of work. After two years at the software company SUSE LINUX in Nuremberg, he now takes over the full-time role of […]

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Digital Government at the Smart Country Convention

3. December 2018

For the first time, the industry association bitkom organised the Smart Country Convention in Berlin. Three days were devoted to the topics of digital administration, the new online access law and possible digital tools to make the world a bit more efficient and intelligent. With a stand provided free of charge, we were on site […]

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An Award from Techfugees in Paris

18. November 2018

At the end of this week the Techfugees Global Summit took place in Paris, a global meeting of all digital projects for refugees. We were invited by the organisers themselves, who paid the travel and accommodation costs for us. We also met projects working on the same problems and challenges as we do, but mostly […]

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New function is live: User Feedback

9. October 2018

Integreat has improved the participation of users in the content of the Integreat app. The new feedback function makes it possible to evaluate individual topics as helpful or in need of improvement and to leave comments for the municipalities. The function has been active in the web version of the app since mid-September. The function […]

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System change with Ashoka & Google

21. September 2018

Together with the other finalists of the Impact Challenge, a strategy workshop last week focused on the topic of “system change”. In the Google office in Berlin we deepened methods of impact analysis and applied them to our project. The declared aim of our offer is to prepare information flows for newcomers in a […]

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Team Presentation: Steffen Kleinle

10. September 2018

We introduce members of the Integreat team on an irregular basis. Today it is that time again. Steffen has been with the team for over a year and is responsible for the development of the WebApp. Besides his computer science studies at the University of Augsburg, he is currently designing the feedback function for Integreat, […]

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Integreat records over 150,000 hits per year

3. September 2018

The 2015 developed app Integreat, which can inform newly immigrated people in several languages, had more than 150,000 hits in 2017. This is the result of the evaluations carried out in the course of the impact assessment in the middle of the year. “At the moment, it is leveling off at around 12,000-15,000 hits per […]

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