Integreat Community for a strong voice of newcomers

We are starting to build an Integreat community. The Integreat community is intended to capture and bundle the voices of newcomers. We hope for constant impulses for the further development of Integreat in the sense of our target group. At the same time, we would like feedback on the current status of our app and content. Is it intuitive enough to navigate to the map, news and offers? Is all relevant information easy to find or are important topics missing? Are the fonts used for the Arabic, Cyrillic and Persian alphabets easy to read?
How we want to work with the Integreat Community
We would like to start in a small circle and have a personal conversation with up to 25 people who know and use Integreat. After an initial get-to-know-you conversation, we would like to learn more about the experiences with and wishes for Integreat in small focus groups in a familiar atmosphere.
The next step is to move the Integreat community to a digital platform and thus open it up to new members. We are aware of the heterogeneity of the group using Integreat and wish to give a voice to as many people as possible. The Integreat community will be actively involved in shaping new features on Integreat and will be the first to get their hands on them. We will regularly provide impulses for content and new topics to our partner municipalities and, of course, also incorporate them into our Integreat templates.
How to support the Integreat Community
If you know people who already use Integreat regularly or are involved in migrant self-help organisations, or if you yourself feel addressed, please feel free to contact us directly. You can reach our team at
The exchange in the Integreat community and with our team is possible in German as well as in English. If interviews are conducted with small groups, these will be put together according to the language level. Language skills from level A2 or B1 are sufficient for this.
Our partner municipalities are very welcome to publish a call in their Integreat app. We have already written a text proposal for this and translated it into the eight languages most widely used by Integreat: Text for the Integreat community in Integreat content.
We have also prepared and translated a text for a push notification. The text and translations can be found in our online documentation: Text for push notifications to the Integreat community
We would like to thank the German Foundation for Engagement and Volunteering (Deutschen Stiftung für Engagement und Ehrenamt) for their support
Thanks to the valuable support of the German Foundation for Commitment and Volunteering with its funding programme 100xDigital, we are able to invest a lot of time in this effective project in the second half of the year.