Blog & News

Regional Network Meetings – Insights into Digital Integration Work in Municipalities

21. April 2023

Integreat connects 100 cities and districts in Germany and is one of the largest collaborative integration projects in Germany. Regional network meetings were held in six federal states to discuss current challenges and best practices in digital integration work. With the regional network meetings, we offer a breeding ground for cross-municipal cooperation and the bundling […]

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Integreat Logo und die Wappen von sieben Bundesländern

Translating with Artificial Intelligence at the Touch of a Button Now in Integreat

11. April 2023

The next leap in innovation on the Integreat platform through machine translation The Integreat platform stands out because information can be easily communicated to newcomers in multiple languages. Even when managing languages you don’t speak yourself, Integreat makes you feel safe. The Integreat team also assists with translations into the desired foreign languages. Translations using […]

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Ein Button mit der Aufschrift "Translate", auf den ein Finger klickt.

Integreat Visits the Bertelsmann Foundation

15. March 2023

How do you reach the people seeking protection from Ukraine with the right information and offers? How do you communicate with the host society? What possibilities do internet platforms, social media and websites offer? For all these important questions, exemplary answers were to be given at the online exchange for municipalities in relation to the […]

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Portrait von Daniel Kehne mit einem Screenshot aus seinem Vortrag bei der Bertelsmann Stiftung

Online Seminar: 3 Tips for Integreat Search Engine Optimisation

15. February 2023

Over 30 local Integreat coordinators from municipalities joined us on Friday to discuss the topic of search engine optimisation. With Integreat, cities and counties can use a 3-in-1 solution. This means: Integreat managers create their content once. Afterwards, new immigrants can view this content via three different ways: Via the link, anyone interested can […]

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Online-Seminar: Suchmaschinenoptimierung für

Integreat 2022 – Our Year in Review

28. December 2022

Once again, there was a lot to do in 2022. As the year draws to a close, we take a look back and take you on a journey through the Integreat world in 2022. A lot has happened. Integreat on a growth path At the beginning of 2022, around 70 cities and districts were online […]

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Pilot Phase – The Integreat Chatbot

29. November 2022

Some services, structures, and useful resources related to integration are difficult for newly immigrated people in Germany to find and understand. Local services and information are often not centralized or available in multiple languages. Thus, even basic information provision is often insufficient to enable immigrants to integrate and participate in society. As a solution to […]

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ICCS 2022 in Singapore – Integreat On Board

19. October 2022

From 6.9.2022 to 8.9.2022 the ICCS 2022 took place in Singapore. We had the opportunity to be there with Integreat. During the event, several topics were discussed by experts from around the globe. The ICCS is an event for interreligious and multicultural dialogue. On the initiative of the President of Singapore, Halimah Yacob, the 2019 […]

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27. Integreat-Conference: Knowledge Exchange & Barcamp

17. September 2022

Every three months, full-time employees and volunteers who are involved in the Tür an Tür – Digitalfabrik (Integreat’s non-profit umbrella company) meet. In the two largest projects, Integreat and Lunes, around 40 people from all over Germany are now working together to further digitize integration work. The 27th Integreat conference was held on September 16 […]

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New Languages Available in the DeepL Translator

3. August 2022

It is crucial for us to provide new immigrants with the necessary information in a simple and understandable way. This includes making this information available in multiple languages. Each Integreat community can decide for itself which languages to offer. This is often a decision in which the associated translation costs play an integral role. To […]

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